Hint Direct Primary Care Blog

Advancing DPC: Jay Keese and Navigating the Legislative Landscape

Written by Hint Health News | December 17, 2021

Advancing DPC: Jay Keese and Navigating the Legislative Landscape

Jay Keese discusses legislation that has passed in support of Direct Primary Care (DPC) and the extensive benefits of DPC. Keese shares the story of his involvement in the success of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) defining DPC for the first time. Keese goes on to describe how DPC has expanded since then going from 100 DPC practices to now over 1500 DPC practices. Keese cites the Society of Actuaries who conducted studies on the advantages of DPC illustrating a savings of 20% on claims costs for employers and a reduction of ER visits and ER claims costs by 40% and 53.6% respectively.

Keese explains what an exciting time it is for DPC as models are expanding, DPC has government support, and how there is a real path to greater adoption. He also gives us a detailed scope of how Direct Primary Care has improved over the past several years. 

Watch the video to see all of the legislative progress being made for Direct Primary Care, at the state and federal levels.