Hint Direct Primary Care Blog

Hint Summit 2D Session: Navigating the DPC Legislative Landscape

Written by Chris Boulanger | September 16, 2020

Hint Summit 2D will feature 2 days of keynotes & breakout sessions designed to elevate Direct Primary Care and identify new opportunities. Over the next few days, we'll be sharing session descriptions on the Best Practices blog to give you a taste of what you can expect September 24-25.

Session:Navigating the DPC Legislative Landscape Post Election

Speaker: Jay Keese & Jeremy Schupbach

Time: 9:05am PT, September  24

Jay Keese, JD, Executive Director of Direct Primary Care Coalition and Jeremy Schupbach, Government Relations at Proactive MD, offer an educational look at the legislative landscape of DPC, wins for DPC, and answer the burning question: Post-election, what is the path forward for DPC practices and employers, along with what can be done today -- serving in your roles, using your sphere of influence in your communities and state -- to carve a space for DPC.