Whole person care is a comprehensive approach that moves beyond merely treating specific patient symptoms, addressing broader individual factors across physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being (NCCIH 2021). It emphasizes collaboration and partnership between providers and patients and emerges as a vital solution to the healthcare challenges of today. Implementing whole person care, however, can be challenging, time-consuming, and taxing on care providers, with recent research showing over half of physicians are reporting burn out (Medscape).

Yet, delivering this level of care requires a significant time investment—a challenge for any practice. Fullscript is revolutionizing this process by providing a platform that streamlines the delivery of personalized, effective care throughout the entire care cycle. By partnering with Hint, Fullscript aligns with Hint’s goal to power direct care and make it the new standard.

Whole Person Care: A Time-Intensive Endeavor

Whole person care is inherently time-intensive. It requires a deep dive into the patient's lifestyle, medical history, and personal goals. For DPC docs, this may seem daunting, but the benefits are undeniable. Patients treated with a holistic approach are more likely to engage with their healthcare providers and adhere to treatment plans.


The Evidence Behind Whole Person Care

The evidence for whole person care is compelling. A study by The Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine and the University of Maryland School of Medicine involving 672 patients revealed that those who engaged with a comprehensive care platform had a 70% higher likelihood of follow-up clinic visits compared to those who did not. This indicates a stronger commitment to health and improved adherence to treatment plans.


This suggests that patients are more inclined to follow up and remain engaged when their care plan addresses their health in a holistic manner. In practical terms, this means fewer missed appointments, better adherence to treatment protocols, and a greater likelihood of positive health outcomes.


The Outcomes Study: A Closer Look

The study, which scrutinized the behaviors of patients at The Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine, found that those who engaged with Fullscript, a leading care platform, not only frequented the clinic more but also demonstrated increased commitment to their health journey.


The statistics are telling: patients who received a Fullscript treatment plan attended an average of 13.5 appointments at TCLM during the study period, a significant increase compared to the 7.8 appointments for those without a Fullscript plan. This heightened engagement was consistent across various types of visits, from one-on-one consultations to procedures, and even group visits. Notably, the use of Fullscript was linked to a 73% increase in total clinic visits, underscoring the platform's effectiveness in promoting patient-provider interaction.


Delivering Whole Person Care Efficiently

While the benefits of whole person care are clear, the challenge lies in delivering this level of care efficiently. Providers need tools and resources that streamline the process, from creating personalized care plans to tracking patient adherence. A platform that supports this approach can be invaluable in a DPC practice.


Provide a fuller care experience

These findings highlight Fullscript's pivotal role in enhancing the DPC care model, fostering a care environment where patients are more actively involved and providers are better equipped to deliver personalized care. The evidence from TCLM's research supports the notion that platforms like Fullscript are not just beneficial but essential tools for DPC practices aiming to keep patients engaged and invested in their health outcomes. Whole person care is the future, and Fullscript and Hint are here to bring that future to your practice today.


For more information on whole person care and the outcomes study, visit Fullscript's Evidence Page.